Saturday, September 22, 2012

SUP Boarding - It 's Just Totally Fantastic!

Stand Up Paddle (SUP)  Boarding is fast becoming the favorite sport of many people worldwide. For more info about Starboard SUP, follow the link. This sport has been around for quite sometime already but hasn't drawn much attention until lately and its amazing how fast it has risen in popularity all across the world. 

Among the reasons for the SUP boarding's popularity is because it's a kind of sport that's open to almost everybody. Anybody who can stand up, maintain a good balance, has a minimum arm strength, and doesn't mind being wet from time to time can definitely indulge in this sport. In fact you can take the getting wet part out of the picture. If you make sure you've got the right board, you may not have to soak your feet, but obviously it's always a possibility that you would fall in. This is definitely a great sport activity for people of different age groups or athletic abilities and its something that families will enjoy doing together.

SUP can be done in the different water bodies and this is another reason for its rising popularity. Stand up paddling became well-known in Hawaii, and it was primarily introduced by surfers. Since then, the sport has penetrated the mainland and the rest of the continents and has become a common activity not just on bays and oceans but along lakes and rivers too. Stand up paddle boarding can be performed on both calm and rough waters, over boat wakes, and even along river currents. Follow the link for more information on Stand Up Paddle Lesson. It's even more invigorating during windy days.

As a form of exercise, SUP boarding can further burn calories effectively than a number of other activities. This is a fact that may not very obvious. It seems calm or relaxing instead. It really is. The average number of calories getting burned every hour is 500 to 700 for women, while for the men it's 800 to 1000 calories per hour. The truth is that every muscle in your body is at work. As you struggle with the paddling, it's your legs together with your gluteal muscles that's holding you up and helping to keep your balance on the board. You use your hands to paddle, your back and trunk muscles too, and these muscles are also responsible for holding you upright and  not losing your balance, and thereby building resistance as you paddle along. The resistance becomes stronger as your paddling becomes harder. You can move along as hard or as easy as you'd like to, unless it's very windy and you'd like to go somewhere.

Stand up paddle boarding can also be stimulating for the brain. It puts your brain at work but eases the mind at the same time. Learn more about a Standup Paddle. You feel relaxed and at peace as it brings you nearer to nature. It's surprising how the movements on the SUPs can be sluggish on the whole, which in turn can slow down and relax your mind and body in spite of a very intense physical activity.

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